still under construction
This page last updated on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 16:10:56 -0500
General Notes: The DDS Development Kit is fully functional as a Sig_Gen/VFO (once built). the internal firmware currently displays: line1: "DDS Dev Kit V2.0" - (Your callsign can be custom programmed upon request) line2: "nn,nnn.nnn Khz " - (where nn,nnn.nnn is the Frequency) Programmed Frequency range is 1 Hz up to 29,999 KHz Operates from 12 VDC at about 110 milliamps Two channels RF output (control line selectable) 70-20 milliwatts output into a 50 ohm load from 1,800 KHz to 29,999 KHz, respectively. Freq range can be changed in firmware. This DDS kit was designed to be a VFO source for NE602A and/or Diode Ring mixers Fully expandable using 20 CPU I/O lines to control other transceiver function. Open Source code available under the GNU General Public License. Supply power to the DDS using 12-14 VDC at 120 milliamps current draw. On power-up, the Red LED blinks twice and then the LCD displays 10,000,000 Hz Note there is a cursor under the 1 mHz position on the LCD. Press the encoder and the cursor moves to the 100 KHz position. Each press of the encoder will move the cursor to the right. Pressing the encoder when the cursor is at the 1 Hz position causes the cursor to move to the 10 MHz position. Default Freq is 10 MHz; software programmable IF OFFSET, both +/- will be available soon. Band selection via pre-programmed memories will be available soon. 100 MHz CLOCK calibration is available through a special program.